Saturday 27 April 2013

parallel projections

For week 2 of our experiment 2 we were asked to make sketchs to explore the interconnections between 2 pairs of drawing from week one. then we were asked to re-draw them from a different angle. i selected each sketch to try and focus on the concepts.

Each axonmetric i used to inspire me in the final of my interconnections i really tried to keep the concepts the same and to keep the both the clients in there own space 
"Winka Dubbeldam" and "Archigram"

below are each axon sketch and its interconnection sketches.

Axon sketch 1 and 2

interconnections 1 of axon 1 and 2

Axon 3 and 4

interconnections 2 of axon 3 and 4

 axon 5 and 6 

interconnections 3 of axon 5 and 6

for the final step we had to take one of the interconnections and develop one into sketch-up and then exported into an environment in crengine 3. below are the develop sketches in sketch-up and exported in cryengine3.    





"Light and floating materials rather than sticking to a hard land by that it can suit the human body and environment to be placed anywhere"


we the had take one of the axon sketched and export it into sketch up, i put the model into sketch-up first and as you can see i have changed it, once i finished it in sketch-up i exported it into a inviroment in cryengine3.





Axonometrics drawings

Winka Dubbeldam
"The crystalissation of urban complexity within the architectural object"

"Technology is an inspiration of new reality"

Winka Dubbeldam
"The building's core essence"

Experiment 2 we were asked to sketch 6 Axonometrics and then re-draw each from a different angle. Here are the 6 drawings and different angles.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Here are some more images of my developed model.

These are the images of my final developed model that i have created in sketch up. Under ground level is for Jiro Ono and upper floor is for Shinya Kimura

Saturday 13 April 2013

this texture here i have used on the lower level of my model that is for Jiro Ono

this is the second texture i used on the ground level of the building giving it a earthy look.

this is one of the texture i did on the model for Shinya Kimura

this was the second draft model i did in sketch up, and as i did this i used this drafted and changed it to make my developed model.
this sketch here was the first draft model i did and put into sketch up.
last animation of my model
second animation from the side of my model.
one animation of my model 

Friday 12 April 2013


these is the second draft sketch up model and in doing this model i will be going to use it and make it better for my developed model.